Let's have some fun!
Card #1 Conflict & Defeat: The number 5 Mental Card represents a significant learning and change, and how you handle yourself at this time is vital to your overall well-being. This card could relate to a lack of sensitivity in taking action or in response to conditions or situations around you. This need for sensitivity could relate to you or someone else in your life. Even though a battle can be won, it's important to evaluate the cost and pain to both parties. Sometimes it's best to surrender and walk away if no answer or victory can be achieved. Don't assign blame, become deceitful, or set out to get revenge, for this results in the negative energy becoming part of you. You are being tested on how delicately and gently you take your next step. Remember, everything in your life is an opportunity to learn and grow.
Card #2 Financial & Material Changes: The number 5 Physical Card represents changes, challenges, and losses - usually related to material or financial concerns. You may be losing some of the tings around you, but you must acknowledge and know that besides existing as a physical being, you're an incredible and resourceful spiritual entity. Use your powerful forces within to help you through this difficulty period. Everything changes for a reason, and this time isn't meant to be a punishment. Know that your current conditions will transform for the better. A positive question to ask yourself now is, "What did I learn from this and how can I avoid it in the future?". Remember that there are lessons to be understood in everything. It's up to you, and you alone, to decide how long it will take for you to learn them.
Card #3 Spiritual Union: The card deals with relationships involving an emotional bond. It could be between new lovers, kindred souls, family members, friends, business associates, or partners; it could even relate to a project or specific situation. This would be the perfect time to realize that all relationships are really about you! Notice when you interact with different people in your life. Are they giving you energy or taking it away? if there an even exchange? There should be an equal balance between giving and receiving energy. Relationships mirror images of your own life: They reflect how you feel and treat yourself, and how you react and respond to various situations and individuals around you. Each and every union is an opportunity for soul growth.
Card #4 Fulfillment of Wishes: This card - being one, if not the most positive, represents emotional satisfaction, contentment, and enjoyment. Your wishes are coming true! Are you ready? Happiness, success, good healthy, completion, and accomplishment of your dreams and goals are in the palm of your hand. This card acts as a reminder to hold on to the beneficial feelings from accepting and receiving what you've asked or strived for. Know that these will assist you in the future when you may need inspiration and positive energy. This is the right time to heal those past memories that have been holding you hostage. Forgive others and yourself so that your wishes, desires, and goals have a clear, unobstructed path to your heart, soul and life.
Well mine was spot on :)