Card #2 - Prosperity Begins. This card brings a message of beginnings, prosperity, wealth and new business which could soon be in the palm of your hand. It may result from your hard work, past efforts, and investments; or it could show up unexpectedly. It may even be presented as a gift. With careful and diligent planning, recent endeavors and moneymaking ideas show great possibilities and promises of monetary gains. This is the time to focus on the most beneficial outcome. Expect the best and envision that project or new job having a successful result. Feel it, see it, and most important, believe it! When you focus on abundance and the positive aspects of the material word - and offer gratitude - prosperity in all forms will flow even more freely.
Card #3 - Financial & Material Changes. This number 5 Physical Card represents changes, challenges, and losses - usually related to material or financial concerns. You may be losing some of the things around you, but you must acknowledge and know that besides existing as a physical being, you're an incredible and resourceful spiritual entity. Use your powerful forces within to help you through this difficulty period. Everything changes for a reason, and this time isn't meant to be a punishment. Know that your current conditions will transform for the better. A positive question to ask yourself now is "what did I learn from this, and how can I avoid it in the future?". Remember that there are lessons to be understood in everything. It's up to you, and you alone, to decide how long it will take for you to learn them.
Card #4 - Trapped in Fear. This card reveals that it's actually your own fear that has you immobilized and trapped - preventing you from making decisions or choices. You are the one who's holding yourself prisoner (or hostage); and in order to continue your journey, you must first face your fears so that new people and conditions can manifest. Many individuals choose to stay in this place because they can't see the road ahead, they feel a misguided sense of safety there, or they're afraid of starting something new. But staying will only add to your levels of stress and anxiety, and create adverse effects in your physical body. Seek out wise counsel for assistance. You don't have to do this alone, but know that you possess all of the tools that you need to free yourself - you're forgetting how strong you really are! This period will end when you use your mind to cut through the limitations caused by your emotions.
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